What is Integremos?

What is Integremos?

Integremos is an educational program focused on teaching Spanish to non-native speakers. This guide will explore the Integremos curriculum, teaching methodology, learning platforms, and overall effectiveness for building Spanish proficiency.

Key Takeaways on Integremos

  • Integremos is a Spanish learning system for elementary to high school students in dual language programs.
  • It uses scaffolded exercises, multimedia, and interactive activities tailored to grade levels.
  • The program aims to develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in Spanish.
  • Integremos platforms include textbooks, online resources, assessments and professional development.
  • Research shows Integremos boosts academic achievement for English learners in partner schools.
  • The curriculum aligns with key language learning standards like WIDA and ACTFL.

Overview of the Integremos Spanish Program

Overview of the Integremos Spanish Program

Integremos is an educational curriculum developed by Santillana USA Publishing Company to teach Spanish literacy skills. It was created to meet the needs of dual language and bilingual education programs in American schools.

The Integremos system provides developmentally-appropriate instruction in Spanish for students from kindergarten through 12th grade. The curriculum materials and activities scaffold across grade bands to build a progression of language and literacy skills aligned to major state and national standards.

As opposed to traditional foreign language programs, Integremos aims to teach core subjects like math, science and social studies through a Spanish immersion approach. This enables students to gain content knowledge and academic vocabulary concurrent with strengthening their new language ability.

Integremos Curriculum Philosophy

The Integremos curriculum is based on key philosophies of language acquisition and dual immersion best practices.

Scaffolded Learning

Integremos builds literacy skills cumulatively over the years through scaffolded instruction. Units gradually increase in complexity and challenge as students advance grade levels.

Integration of Subject Matter

Language is embedded within diverse academic subjects like math, science, social studies. This situates Spanish learning in practical contexts.

Interactive Multimedia

Videos, games, songs and stories are used alongside textbooks for interactive learning. This engages multiple learning styles.

Culturally Authentic

Materials incorporate Hispanic cultural elements to situate language in an authentic cultural context.

Language Development Strands

Oral fluency, vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing skills are intentionally cultivated through the curriculum.

Integremos Program Components

The Integremos system comprises several interlinked components for comprehensive language development:

Student Textbooks

Textbooks form the core of the program. Leveled books for each grade band cover language arts, math, science and social studies in Spanish.

Practice Workbooks

Consumable workbooks provide vocabulary, grammar, reading and writing practice through activities tied to the textbooks.


Unit quizzes, chapter tests and rubrics enable teachers to evaluate student progress in the four language strands.

Digital Resources

Web-based games, videos, audiobooks and interactive learning tools supplement classroom instruction.

Teacher Editions

Annotated teacher editions assist instructors in implementing lessons, activities and assessments.

Professional Development

Initial and ongoing training is provided to educators on leveraging the curriculum and instructional strategies.

Integremos Instructional Approach

The Integremos system utilizes an instructional approach aligned with language acquisition research and dual immersion best practices.

Focused Language Skills

Each lesson isolates a targeted skill like grammar, vocabulary, or language functions. Activities concentrate student practice on this skill.

Explicit Instruction

Instructors provide clear modeling, explanations and examples during lessons. This allows students to grasp concepts and strategies.

Guided to Independent Practice

Lessons scaffold from high support to independent practicing of the skill. Gradual release builds student ownership.

Meaningful Interactions

Partner and group work facilitate meaningful verbal interactions and negotiations in Spanish to practice communication.

Hands-on Learning

Kinesthetic learning like dramatic role play, games and songs provides interactive opportunities to use the language.

Ongoing Assessments

Regular formative and summative assessments enable teachers to monitor progress and differentiate support as needed.

Benefits of Using the Integremos Program

Research on the Integremos curriculum demonstrates a range of academic and language benefits:

  • Significantly higher Spanish reading proficiency than peers in traditional programs
  • Greater gains in Spanish vocabulary than non-Integremos groups
  • Increased engagement and participation levels of English Learner (EL) students
  • Higher academic achievement in math and science compared to EL peers
  • Enhanced cross-cultural awareness and multicultural competence
  • Development of critical thinking skills by learning in two languages
  • Closing of achievement gaps between native English speakers and English Learners
  • Preparation for Seal of Biliteracy attainment and Advanced Placement Spanish exams

Implementing Integremos Effectively

There are some key factors that enable successful implementation of the Integremos program:

  • Ongoing professional development for Integremos curriculum and strategies
  • Adequate instructional time allocated for Spanish literacy
  • Small teacher-student ratios conducive to language learning
  • Coordination between English and Spanish teachers and administrators
  • Commitment to using Spanish beyond the Integremos lessons
  • Culturally responsive teaching materials and approaches
  • Clear metrics to monitor student progress within the program
  • Strong school-family partnerships to support Spanish acquisition
  • Celebrations of bilingualism to build enthusiasm for the program


In summary, Integremos is a comprehensive Spanish literacy program designed specifically for dual language learners in American schools. Through scaffolded and interactive instruction modeled on language immersion strategies, it builds skills for academic success and bilingualism. Integremos offers educators a carefully structured curriculum, instructional approach and assessments to develop students’ Spanish proficiency. When implemented effectively, research shows Integremos can significantly boost achievement for English Learners while cultivating multicultural competence. For schools committed to bilingual education, Integremos provides an evidence-based pathway to realizing this goal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What grade levels is Integremos designed for?

Integremos offers differentiated curriculum for grades K-12. Materials scaffold appropriately across elementary, middle and high school grade bands.

What subjects does Integremos cover?

Integremos teaches language arts, math, science, and social studies through its Spanish textbooks and activities.

How long are the Integremos lessons?

Lesson length varies by grade, but averages 30-45 minutes daily. Textbook chapters are completed over 1-2 week periods.

Does Integremos teach other languages?

Currently, Integremos just focuses on Spanish literacy, not other languages. It is specifically designed for Spanish dual immersion programs.

Is Integremos an online program?

It utilizes both print textbooks and online/digital resources and games. Blended learning is part of Integremos.

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